We implement flexible, customer-specific solutions
Our logistics strengths are your advantages!
Unsere Logistik-Stärken
sind Ihre Vorteile!
Von der gepufferten über die Teilbereichs-Lagerung bis hin zum kompletten lagerlogistischen Outsourcing-Konzept
Wenn Sie von Ihrem Logistikpartner perfekt kommissionierte Aufträge pünktlich am Zielort erwarten, dann müssen Sie nicht weiter suchen, denn mit uns haben Sie den perfekten Partner gefunden.
Sie können bei allen Ihren lagerlogistischen Fragen auf uns vertrauen. Grundlage dafür bilden unsere Kompetenz, unsere individuellen Erfahrungen und natürlich viele zufriedene Kunden, die den MEV Lagerlogistik-Service bereits organisatorisch eingebunden haben.
Profitieren Sie von unserer zuverlässigen Beratung und dem sehr funktionalen und erfolgreichen Logistik-Konzept von MEV.
We implement flexible, customer-specific solutions from buffer storage and the storage of sections to the concept of outsourcing the entire storage. We have years of experience in this field.
If you are expecting perfectly executed orders delivered punctually to their destination, then you need look no further for we make a good job of that, too!
You can trust us when it comes to any of your logistics queries. We have the expertise, the individual experience and of course many satisfied customers, who are already organizationally
integrated in the MEV warehouse logistics Service.
Benefit from our reliable consultancy service and MEV’s highly functional and successful logistics concept.
Our strengths
MEV warehouse logistics
- Buffer-/ partial /and total storage
- Commodity /customer consignment stock
- Highly qualified skilled personnel
- Partial / complete distribution
- Reliable / individual dispatch
- Just-in-time delivery at the place stipulated
- Appropiate logistics consulation service
- EDV Connection
Your advantages with MEV
You save time and money
- No need to have your own warehousing
- No investment and maintenance costs
- No personnel costs
- No costs for storage space and energy
- No insurance premiums
- No delivery processing and handling
- No customs clearance (foreign countries)
Do you have a question about a product?
We will gladly answer it
If you require more information or advice, please call us or simply send us an message and let us talk about your project.
- +49 7131 9789 89.0